The biggest problem in our society nowadays is that no one seems to listen anymore. Our fast paced busy lives and need for immediate gratification has everyone focused on the rat race and not on the people around them. How many of us are guilty of spending too much time on our devices? Mobile phones are a relatively new invention in the history of man, yet now most people would feel naked without one. We are so reliant on technology that we have lost our ability to connect with each other. The sad reality of this being that subsequently, despite having the world at our fingertips we are more disconnected than ever. When did we lose our humanity to such an extent that we stopped being able to communicate with each other? Not all is lost. There are ways in which we can become more aware of ourselves and in doing so improve our ability to communicate with others, thus in turn helping to make the world a slightly better place. We need to slow down, stop rushing to be heard, worrying that if we don’t get our word in it will be overlooked as we move hastily to the next thought. Breathe and connect, first with ourselves and then with others.
The first step is to slow the mind. Medidate, practice yoga, learn a new mindfulness technique. I encourage you to find the time to simply sit and watch a sunrise or go out into nature and listen to the birds sing. Find the serenity that exists in silence then share it with those around you. Once you have achieved this you can stop listening to talk and start listening to listen.