The data could not be more alarming , 9 out of 10 cases of bullying in Spain go unpunished and the protocols in the place fail in an outstanding way: they neither prevent them nor address the needs of families and their children according to the Spanish Association for the Prevention of School Bullying(Aepae)
Aepae points out that the official figures only reflect the tip of the iceberg. The police receive an average of a thousand complaints of bullying (injuries, threats,degrading treatment....), but organizations such as Save The Children, UNESCO and Amnesty International (AI) raise this number to between half a million and three million Spanish children affected by this type of abuse. According to AI, 96% of the cases identified as suspected bullying received by the Ministry of Educations hotline number in its first two years of operation, were not reported to the educational inspectorate. The human rights organization announced in its latest report on bullying, that thousands of cases remain hidden , since they are neither officially registered nor are there tools for parents and teachers to detect it. For this reason, all of these organizations have asked the Government for a complaints system that adolescents can really use, and that students and teachers can be trained to prevent and intervene in bullying cases.